27 April 2015
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First seasonal victory for the athlete coming from Schio: Francesca Cauz conquered the podium too, 3rd position. #yellowfluorange ladies were protagonists on saturday too, in San Giorgio di Parlena. Presedent Alessia Piccolo’s team makes a difference
On Italian roads, #yellowfluorange prevails too: after Arianna Fidanza’s victory in Schiavonia d’Este, Alé Cipollini Galassia rules in Giro dei Cinque Comuni too. For the first time Elena Berlato wins the first spot in the podium together with another #yellowfluorange lady, Francesca Cauz, arrived 3rd. Arianna Fidanza arrived 5th. Once again, President Alessia Piccolo’s women dream team proves to be a leading protagonist in Veneto, the same place where the team was born and has its headquarter. Giovanni Fidanzaunderlines:
“3 open races in Italy, 3 Alé Cipollini Galassia victories with 3 different girls: we can be nothing else but proud”.
This is how the weekend ends: #yellowfluorange ladies achieving good results in the race against time in San Giorgio Di Perlena (VI): Elena Berlato 2nd, only 2” after Nielsen Jaime Larissa (BePink LaClassica) In the TopTen Simona Frapporti, 7°, and Beatrice Rossato, 10°.
From the North, very good news are coming too for the team that comes from Bonferraro di Sorgà. On Saturday, Marta Tagliaferro arrived 5th at EPZ Omloop van Borsele. While yesterday, Maria Giulia Confalonieri arrived 6h at Dwars Door De Westhoek.
“Even this time an excellent team work has been done” – says sport director Fortunato Lacquaniti – “we can be proud about what we are doing”.
CORSA: Giro dei Cinque Comuni
1°: Elena Berlato - Alé Cipollini Galassia Team
3°: Francesca Cauz - Alé Cipollini Galassia Team